Phillip Newton Kinney

Hello! My name is Phillip Newton Kinney. I am studying to become a software engineer! I graduated form Purdue University in 2017 with a degree in Marketing from the Krannert Business School.

After graduating my interest shifted towards finance, and I managed to land a position as a financial analyst. There, I was responsible for managing millions of dollars worth of deals through the operational pipeline for a major telecommunications conglomerate.

Now, I spend most of my time honing my skills as a software engineer. I'm either broadening the scope of what I know, or applying my knowledge towards completing projects. In this field, I intend to be able to manifest ideas toward completion. Due to this, my mental toolkit spans both front-end & back-end engineering. A more 'complete' set of skills are listed below.

A photo of Phillip Newton Kinney



Rolling PE Ratios + Rolling PS Ratios

I noticed that most financial websites only offer the PE Ratio on a one year term. Given the circumstances of the past year, I figured that supplying multi-year information for these ratios would be very useful. Microsoft allows a quick refresh for the stock price & market caps of most companies, allowing the multi-year ratios to update automatically.

Sushi Restaurant

Attached is a website for a fictional sushi restaurant. It combines methods of HTML, CSS & Javascript.


Feel free to reach out anytime!